Mojang Studios, the developer of the massively popular video game Minecraft, is the latest corporation to take a position against non-fungible tokens. According to their website, “NFT World is completely decentralised, fully configurable, community driven, play to earn gaming platform where world owners may develop their own endless metaverse games or experiences for players or exclusive communities within their worlds.” In reaction to Mojang’s new policy, NFT Worlds published a statement condemning Mojang and Minecraft for having “no concern for creators, builders, and gamers,” and pledging to develop its own game to replace it. The statement makes it clear that Minecraft is not opposed to monetization, citing the example of users pay for access to a Minecraft server as an acceptable use case. However, because NFTs will alter gameplay dynamics and offer wealthy players an advantage in-game, the creator is opposed to the technology.

— NFT Worlds (@nftworldsNFT) July 20, 2022 In an increasingly unpredictable cryptocurrency environment, some non-crypto-native gaming businesses have reduced their web3 investments. Ubisoft released Quartz, a blockchain-based game, last year, and it has done poorly thus far. Furthermore, the disastrous $625 million Axie Infinity hack is still fresh in the memory.