In the video the Meta’s VR Headset is not seen clear. It is pixelated throughout the whole video, to keep headset a surprise when it will be launched. This video clip followed the preview of its in-development AR glasses, that Google shared in the last 24hrs. Mark Zuckerberg with his almost a 1minute video, gave his viewers the “first look at the mixed reality” By mixed reality it is meant a combination of augmented reality with the immersiveness of virtual reality. In short it is “interactive AR.” In the 56 sec video, Zuckerberg gives a detailed working of the VR Headset. In the video first the 1st person view is showed, as how things will be if the headset is used in 1st person view. According to the CEO “The World Beyond” app was created using the Meta’s Presence platform. This platform was created to facilitate the developers build mixed reality experience that can make a blend of physical and virtual worlds. Furthermore the video also previews the Project Cambria working and how its users will interact with their virtual instructor an how they can interact with computer apps. The Project Cambria will be a “high-end” product. The product features rich color passthrough which will further enhance the mixed reality experiences. According to the company the launch of the Project Cambria is later this year. According to Meta a demo app will be released soon which will further enlighten the capabilities of the Presence platform. The thing that makes one wonder is that why is the Project Cambria pixelated? It is not that it’s some top secret. Many leaks of it have shown its design. A simple search on google can give a number of its leaked images. Also Read: Meta to Rename Facebook Pay Soon